Dagens Punchline Arkivet
2013-09-25: Nas
2013-09-25 av VinpaZOh you went platinum, yeah that's nice/ Now let me see you do the same thing twice
2013-09-24: mf doom
2013-09-24 av ErikLet he who is without sin cast the first stone/ After you who’s last, it’s Doom, he’s the worst known
2013-09-23: Canibus
2013-09-23 av whoacommunityAn Emcee so ill, I got AIDS scared to catch me
2013-09-22: Profet
2013-09-22 av whoacommunityBalanserar mellan liv och död, precis som en ballerina/ Startar bråk och skyller på gud, precis som i Palestina
2013-09-21: Eazy E
2013-09-21 av VinpaZThey put out my picture with silence/ Cause my identity by itself causes violence
2013-09-20: Big Daddy Kane
2013-09-20 av whoacommunitySo full of action, my name should be a verb
2013-09-19: KRS-One
2013-09-19 av whoacommunityI'm not sayin I'm number one, uhh I'm sorry, I lied/ I'm number one, two, three, four and five
2013-09-18: Xzibit
2013-09-18 av VinpaZBitches be quick to give me brains while the pistol range/ Goin' up and down my dick like the stock exchange
2013-09-17: Eminem
2013-09-17 av VinpaZLet's do the math: if I was black, I woulda sold half/ I ain't have to graduate from Lincoln High School to know that
2013-09-16: Stor
2013-09-16 av OracleAldrig varit kriminell, men stoppats av polisen/ fler gånger än Reinfeldt stekt en falukorv på spisen
2013-09-15: Immortal Technique
2013-09-15 av VinpaZSo tell me motherfucker, how could you die for the throne/ When you don't even got the fuckin' heart to die for your own?
2013-09-14: Big L
2013-09-14 av whoacommunityI was taught wise, I'm known to extort guys/ This ain't Cali, it's Harlem nigga we do walkbys
2013-09-13: Menteroja
2013-09-13 av VinpaZIt’s ok to bomb kids, but bombing graff it’s illegal
2013-09-12: SC Static
2013-09-12 av Faustinoquit actin' stupid I'll leave you black and blueish with scabs and bruises/ all your raps are useless plus you're a disgrace to Massachusetts
2013-09-11: Organism 12
2013-09-11 av VinpaZså kommer du va bra? neeejdå/ du skulle inte ens kunna få till en hit om refrängerna sjöngs av nate dogg
2013-09-10: Method Man
2013-09-10 av ErikPunk niggaz shatter like a glass dwore, break it
2013-09-09: Eminem
2013-09-09 av VinpaZThey say music can alter moods and talk to you/ Well, can it load a gun up for you and cock it too?
2013-09-08: Rise
2013-09-08 av ErikThe fact is, I'm the man where ever I'm playing/ You only sell in countries that don't understand what you saying
2013-09-07: Mack 10
2013-09-07 av VinpaZAnd all I could think about is revenge as I lit the J up/ And even though it was late night, I still fucked his whole day up
2013-09-06: Big Pun
2013-09-06 av whoacommunityI'll appear in your dreams, like Freddie do, no kidding you/ Even if I stuttered I would still sh-sh-sh-shit on you